Tag #112508 - Interview #92722 (Anna Gliena)

Selected text
I used to buy matzah to celebrate Pesach. Well, anyway, this was the only holiday that I celebrated. Maybe I didn’t follow all rules, but I always had matzah. I receive food packages from Hesed and they help me to do my laundry, but I am helpless now. My neighbor introduced me to Anna Fyodorova. She lives with me. She cooks for me and helps me and I promised her to leave this apartment to her son. We may argue every now and then, but then we make it up with her. I depend on her much. I cannot even go to the cemetery. My mother and brother have graves nearby and I’ve prepared a place for myself there, but now I don’t know whether they will bury me there or throw into a different place. You understand, I would like to be with my dear ones so much.
Anna Gliena