Tag #113718 - Interview #95476 (Dobrina Rivkind)

Selected text
Mother did not meddle with the politics, but father was certainly a concealed dissident. I know this for sure because, though it was prohibited, father listened to the radio receiver. And he was also controlled by an informer; he was “shepherded”.  Yes, that is true, nobody told no one, who the informer was. But there was an enrolled KGB informer in every company and people in most of cases understood which person exactly who “squealed on”, though formally no one should have known about it. And that person, so to say, warned my father, told him to stop listen to the radio. He told father, “Rivkind, quit listening to the radio”. However, since father was a rather reserved and quiet person he did not get caught. But it is certain that he did not believe in what happened in this country. I was a witness to how he spoke to mother and how he listened to the receiver. Mother was too domestic a woman to be engaged in politics, but she trusted him. Father did not join any Party. He did not trust the then power, however, in order to avoid problems, kept silent about it, so he was no open dissident.


Dobrina Rivkind