Tag #113768 - Interview #95602 (Alexandra (Shifra) Melenevskaya)

Selected text
Before the war I managed to finish 8 classes. And then the war burst out, almost all time of the siege  (4) we lived in Leningrad, and I often watched and extinguished falling fire-bombs, sitting in the garret with children of my age. Later, one day the bomb destroyed the internal wall of a house in my court yard, and everyone who lived on the first floor was killed. People who lived there, did not go to air-raid shelter, because they considered themselves to be protected (they lived under the arch), but the bomb fell down right there - directly downwards from above. All other floors crashed down upon this first floor. That day very many bombs were dropped down, almost each house in Tavricheskaya Street was destroyed. After that we moved to my aunt. Daddy found plywood somewhere and sealed the window, as after bombardment all houses lost windowpanes.


Alexandra (Shifra) Melenevskaya