Tag #114242 - Interview #78243 (Alla Kolton)

Selected text
The family was proud of my father. Aunt Guta and Daddy had advanced views, in contrast with those of their religious parents. They left home early, both Guta and daddy, because they disagreed with their parents and their religious conviction. Their parents believed that Jews could only marry Jews, and aunt Guta married a Russian. Guta finished the Gertsen Pedagogical Institute in Leningrad and married a muscovite Grigory Kozlov. I don't know how she met her husband. She left for Moscow to live with him. Grandmother and grandfather didn't communicate with Aunt Guta for a long time after she married Grigory. Grandfather Mordukh didn't even want to meet Grigory at all, and wouldn't permit him to come to his home.


Alla Kolton