Tag #115022 - Interview #78124 (Edit Kovacs)

Selected text
My mother had an older brother named Ignac Friedner, who disappeared in
1919, possibly during the Hungarian Soviet Republic or the White Terror;
and three sisters, Szeren, Aranka and Ibolya. Ibolya died at the age of 20
of tuberculosis. Szeren's husband, Ferenc Sarkadi, was a dealer in men's
clothing. They were immensely rich, living on Andrassy Avenue-which was one
of the fanciest areas of Budapest at the time-in a huge flat. They were
relatively religious; every Friday night, he sang in the synagogue. Szeren
was deported and witnessed the shooting of her husband. She died in
Auschwitz. Their daughter, Klara, hid in Budapest with false papers stating
that she was Christian. She left Hungary in 1956 for Australia. I have no
relationship with her because she "does not want to socialize with Jews.


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