Tag #115023 - Interview #78124 (Edit Kovacs)

Selected text
I attended a state elementary school and then a middle school (editor's
note: this type of school oriented the graduates towards commerce, crafts
and administrative jobs). I was a good student in school, but I was so
uninterested in religion that even though I attended religious instruction
in school, I never even learned the Hebrew letters. In the elementary
school, there were only two or three Jews in my class, so most of my
friends were Gentiles. This was not a problem in my family. In middle
school, I made friends mostly with Jews and every Friday we used to go to
the synagogue together. I had a very close friend, Zsofi Lieberman, whose
family was so observant that her father would not let me into the flat with
a salami sandwich. I had to eat it on the doorstep.


Edit Kovacs