Tag #115775 - Interview #100553 (Boris Shteinas)

Selected text
I knew two brothers of grandmother Ester- Pina and Kushiuel. They were much younger than Ester. Pina and Kushiel lived with their families in Vaskiai before the outbreak of great patriotic war [5]. Kushiel had one son Yuda, and Pina had six children. His eldest daughter Etka is currently living in Israel. Her younger sister Cheva is also living there. Leya died young. Avrum and Tsima also passed away. Mina is living in the USA. Pina and Kushiel survived the times of evacuation and helped our family quite a lot in postwar times. Pina died in Israel in 1970s and Kushiel in Siauliai in 1970s.


Boris Shteinas