Tag #115809 - Interview #100553 (Boris Shteinas)

Selected text
I got used to fasting on Yom Kippur since childhood. I still keep this tradition. The sukkah was set up for the whole family in the yard on Sukkoth holiday. Grandparents and cousins came over to us on holiday. The most joyful holiday Simchat Torah was carried out in synagogue. It was fun. I remember songs and dances during the procession around the synagogue. We were looking forward to channukah as kids got money and presents on that day. Every evening mother lit candles on silver candlestick and added another candle every day. She placed it on the windowsill. On Purim mother baked hamantashen- tasty triangular pies with poppy seeds. My sister and I took shelakhmones to our friends and relatives .


Boris Shteinas