Tag #116096 - Interview #91352 (Chasia Spanerflig)

Selected text
Our life was getting better. My husband was promoted at work. In spite of the fact that my husband had a rather high position – head of the district militia department – he wasn’t touched by all that trouble [25], which Jews had in the late 1940s, early 1950s. Many friends of my husband, Jews, who were partisans, were fired and even arrested. My husband survived this ordeal. He didn’t even want to join the Party, though he was insistently recommended. Nevertheless he was promoted to a rather high rank: lieutenant colonel. In the early 1960s he got a good two-room apartment. Both of us were worried when Israel was at war: the Six-Day-War [26]. We didn’t even think of immigration as my husband was a true Soviet man, though he wasn’t a member of the Communist Party.


Chasia Spanerflig