Tag #116271 - Interview #100288 (Eta Gurvichuyte )

Selected text
I worked in a wonderful team and made many good friends there. We marked Jewish holidays. A lot of people got together on Chanukkah, Purim and Pesach. We open spoke Yiddish at work, which was common in Lithuania. I was not affected by anti-Semitism campaigns of the beginning of the 1950s, [Campaign against ‘cosmopolitans’] [20], even doctors’ plot [21]. Of course, we were very worried thinking that Jews were dissolved, even arrested, but it went past my friends and I. I was crying along with many other people, when Stalin died in 1953. I wore a mourning band and was on the sentry by his portrait. With time I leant more and more about Stalin, so the resolutions of ХХ Communist Party Congress [22] were not unexpected for me, on the contrary it seemed to me that the justice prevailed.


Eta Gurvichuyte