Tag #116313 - Interview #78774 (Fania Brantsovskaya)

Selected text
Velvl and Rohe-Gisia had many children, which was common for Jewish families then. My father's older brother Dovid Joheles, born in 1895, and his family lived in Kaunas. He was a baker. He owned a bakery and a store where he sold bread, cakes, and pastries that he made. I don't remember his wife's name, but I remember that they had two children: a son named Ariya and daughter, Feigele, named after one of our ancestors, in the same way I was. Dovid's family perished. They were killed in Kaunas in 1941. My uncle's name is not on the list of those who were killed in Kaunas, but some people who knew my uncle told me about it.


Fania Brantsovskaya