Tag #116347 - Interview #78774 (Fania Brantsovskaya)

Selected text
My mother's youngest brothers, Motl and Yitzhok, lived in Kaunas. Motl became an electric mechanic. Yitzhok was a building contractor. Motl and Yitzhok had one daughter each. Motl and his family perished during the Great Patriotic War. Yitzhok's daughter lives in Israel. My mother's brother Shimon lived in Taurage, near Konigsberg [Russia, 1,000 km from Moscow]. He had five children. On the day the war began, Shimon and his daughter Shulamit went to see a doctor. When bombs started falling, his wife and the children left their home. That way, they lost each other. Shimon and his daughter evacuated to Tajikistan. When he returned to Taurage, he heard that his wife and four children had perished. He couldn't bear the thought of staying in his hometown and moved to Israel. Shimon died in the middle of the 1980s. Shulamat still lives in Israel.
Fania Brantsovskaya