Tag #116360 - Interview #78774 (Fania Brantsovskaya)

Selected text
Frankly speaking, all I know about Jewish traditions I learned from my father's parents. We celebrated the first seder with them. We hired a wagon to get there and I loved it. My grandfather wore a kippah and reclined on cushions at the head of the table. Grandmother sat beside him. I looked for the afikoman and got a present for this. I also posed the four questions about the holiday [the mah nishtanah] to my grandfather. We also visited my grandparents on Chanukkah and I got Chanukkah gelt. I kept an old whipping top, a memory of my grandfather, for many years and only recently gave it to an acquaintance of mine who is collecting old Jewish things. She lives in Israel. On Rosh Hashanah it was necessary to take a candle with a little flag placed in a potato to the synagogue. Mama gave me the candle when I went to the synagogue with my grandfather. She bought the candle in advance.


Fania Brantsovskaya