Tag #116370 - Interview #78774 (Fania Brantsovskaya)

Selected text
The Minz family, who lived on the fourth floor of our house, had several daughters. Sima, one of them, used to slide down the handrails and ring the Gringolds' doorbell before running away. This was a monkey-trick, but it disturbed the neighbors a bit. When the Soviets came to Lithuania [see Occupation of the Baltic Republics] [25], the Minz family moved to Japan. Sukiahara [26], a Japanese diplomat, rescued from oppression many Jews, Buddhists and Zionists by issuing Japanese visas to them. Sima lives in the USA. She happened to sit next to Ada Gringolds' at a congress of Vilnius Jews in New York. They started talking and it turned out they had lived in the same house and that Sima had been the very girl ringing the doorbell of Ada's apartment.


Fania Brantsovskaya