Tag #116852 - Interview #102297 (Janos Dorogi)

Selected text
My mother got a prayer-book from my father once, who courted her back in ‘20.  In it he wrote, ‘believe and trust in this book, so that every one of your desires may be fulfilled. Laci’.  It was the famous, beautiful prayer-book by Arnold Kis.  Just in Hungarian.  Because my mother was completely amhorets [ignorant] from that point of view.  When my parents got married, they were to have the Rabbi, Dr. Simon Hevesi marry them [He was the Chief Rabbi of Budapest from 1905 – one of the leading figures in Jewish social and cultural life at the time.] But he suddenly got sick and asked, ‘what would you say if my son, who just became a rabbi, were to marry you, it would be his first independent marriage.’  My father said, fine.  And the famous Bernat Linevszki was the main cantor.


Janos Dorogi