Tag #118767 - Interview #87389 (Jeni Blumenfeld)

Selected text
Although, I met one with a green shirt as well – the legionnaires wore green shirts and diagonal ones – I knew one by face. His name was Iacovlov, a handsome boy, but he was a legionnaire. There was an incident afterwards, in 1945 in Iasi, a scuffle between the young non-communists – the old legionnaires – and the young communists.

I was a student in Iasi at that time, in my first year and I know that this Iacovlov, who was a legionnaire, was shot and died in that incident. But this wasn’t connected to the Jews but to communism. There were also the liberal ones Saratescu, Oltescu, there were the historic parties until the communists started their rule with Gheorghiu-Dej [9], Ana Pauker, Vasile Luca – of whom it was said that he was a Hungarian, Laszlo I think he was called [10] [Ed. note: Laszlo is the Hungarian version of the name Vasile].


Jeni Blumenfeld