Tag #119107 - Interview #101860 (Marcel Simon )

Selected text
From all my family, with all my family tree, I am the only one who remained here in Romania. I was born here and I will die here, because at my age there is no point in emigrating. I would have some place to go, but it’s too late. I could have also gone to Israel. But I decided not to go, because I was convinced that I couldn’t have got used to living there, firstly because of the climate, and also the language seemed very difficult to me. Many people didn’t get acclimatized in Israel because of the language. My brother speaks it fluently, you can’t get a job otherwise, but he tells me that people are more modest, less learned, with less schooling, who have lived in Israel for 30, 40, 50 years and still don’t speak Hebrew [Ivrit] well. Not to mention writing…
Marcel Simon