Tag #119288 - Interview #90362 (Liza Lukinskaya)

Selected text
When her mother died, Ida moved to her sister Fanya, who was one or two years younger. She was a famous milliner. Fanya owned a large hat store and atelier, where she and a couple of dozens of her employees made beautiful, fashionable hats. All the stylish ladies from Kaunas knew Fanya. She was married. Her husband, a Jew, Keirauskas was deported [1] and exiled to Siberia in 1940. It saved his life. Ida and Fanya died in the Kaunas ghetto [2]. Ten years after the Great Patriotic War [3] Keirauskas came back to Lithuania. I don’t know what happened to him. After Fanya died he didn’t keep in touch with our family.


Liza Lukinskaya