Tag #120322 - Interview #102975 (Jozsefne Marta Feher)

Selected text
My first husband was a Jew. He was called Imre Neuwald. I met him there in Zalaegerszeg, I don't know why, because I didn’t get anything good from him. His brother put us in touch with each other. 

He said he had a younger brother; “You’ll have such a good life with him that you won’t even have to put your hands in cold water”, he said. Imre lived here in Budapest. It was his brother who lived in Zalaegerszeg. 

But originally they came from Keszthely. Imre was a second-hand dealer. The wedding was in 1946, I think; here [in Budapest] in Nagyfuvaros Street [in the synagogue]. I think we lived together for three and a half years. Then he died of cancer. He was sick almost from the beginning until the end, and I was nursing him, he couldn’t even work. Those were bad times.


Jozsefne Marta Feher