Tag #120668 - Interview #88272 (Josip Papo)

Selected text
After the war I became a member of the Zagreb Jewish community. However, the community was very tight-knit and I was opposed to this. Therefore, I did not participate very much. In Belgrade, I was in conflict with the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia, which did not fulfill its promises and did not help my sister, who died in the hospital. At the same time, the women’s section organized the departure of children for Israel. My sister’s daughter went to Kibbutz Gat on one of those trips. For that reason I did not belong to the community for a long time. I was insulted. However, I returned to the community because of my grandchildren. I feel coldness toward the community. It is a very cold place. But at the same time, I feel that I am a Jew and that I am a part of those people killed during the Holocaust. My son, Bojan, is not connected to the community, but has a lot of Jewish friends. My daughter Vedrana is active. Ljiljana and I have three granddaughters, a grandson and one great-granddaughter. They are involved in the community.


Josip Papo