Tag #120799 - Interview #78797 (Maurice Leon)

Selected text
I didn't have the chance to study after graduating from high school. I went directly to do my military service. I went to the army in 1939. Soon after that the war was declared. I fought in Albania [22] until Greece was defeated. By the time I came back, Greece was occupied.

I did my military duty at the Third Division of the Greek Army. There were many Jews there. Before the war we often did night patrols. I remember that there was someone who was singing Judeo-Spanish songs, while we were walking at nighttime, to keep us awake. There were two Spanish singers, Oumanouno and Navaro, who were very popular at that time. And this one guy was singing some of their songs, but which I can no longer remember.

My military service lasted approximately two years. I remember anti-Semitic incidents in the army. There was a high ranking army officer who was often saying: 'Hitler take a 24 hour break and come to Greece to exterminate the Jews.' We felt insulted but there was nothing we could do about it. This incident happened before Greece was involved in the war.

After I did the preliminary military service, I was sent to the army bakery. It was office work most of the time. I was working there when the war was declared. One morning, as I was going to do my duty, I heard the newspaper salesman yelling that Greece was at war with Italy. We were listening to the news on the radio and reading the newspapers to learn more. People were very patriotically enthusiastic at first.
Maurice Leon