Tag #120826 - Interview #78797 (Maurice Leon)

Selected text
One day we decided to go back to Thessaloniki. We didn't know what had happened there and to the rest of Greece. It was only later on that we learned about it. In September 1944 we took a boat and returned to Thessaloniki. As soon as we arrived we went straight to our business partner's house, to Mr. Giakos. He welcomed us warmly.

The next day we went to our house. We found it occupied by refuges from Kavala. During the war Kavala was occupied by the Bulgarians. These people left their houses and came to Thessaloniki and were staying in our house. We told them to leave but they were reluctant. They were saying that they were not sure that we were the real owners of this house. Finally they gave us a room and all of us stayed there until they left. Their houses were liberated soon after and they returned to Kavala.

Our neighbors were very happy to see us again. Many of our belongings we had given to various friends to hide them. Some we got back, some we did not. Carpets and staff like that were never returned. So we continued with what we had.
Maurice Leon