Tag #121687 - Interview #78063 (Rahela Perisic)

Selected text
Since Lusci
Palanka did not have a temple we went to Sanski Most for Rosh Hashanah,
Sukkot and sometimes for Pesach. While there we stayed with our relative
Avram Atijas and his wife Mazalta. For us children Chanukah was the best.
I loved to light the candles. I remember before Pesach my mother would take
all the dishes to the garden where she cleaned each plate. She also had a
special trunk with dishes only for Pesach. Regardless of the fact that
there was no temple in Luka Palanka my family always washed before the
Shabbat and wore nice clothes. My father wore a dress suit as if he had
come back from temple. Then he would read a prayer and after dinner we
would go for a walk.

Luka Palanka
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Rahela Perisic