Tag #121719 - Interview #78207 (roza kamhi)

Selected text
We wore a Jewish star [in Bulgaria] [18]. I don't know where we got them, probably through the Jewish community. Everyone had to wear one. One could hide it. I did this sometimes: when I stayed late at a meeting, I would take it off. If I had worn it, they would have arrested me immediately; this way they had to recognize me first. We called them shadaj. I don't know why. [Editor's note: Shadaj is a biblical term for God. There is no verification that the yellow stars were popularly referred to with this term.]

I was in Bitola the whole time up until the deportation of the Jews [of Bitola to Skopje] [19]. During the war I read a lot and I attended a lot of meetings on behalf of the Party. There were communist committee meetings, and other meetings of the Party. These meetings were attended by small groups of people.
roza kamhi