Tag #121776 - Interview #79524 (Beno Ruso)

Selected text
My father wasn’t a backwards religious person. He was literate, he knew how to read. He knew all the prayers for Pesach. What’s more, the neighbors would gather around him. For Pesach my father took care of prayers in the house and everything and some of our family members would come. My father was literate and very skilled and he knew how everything went. He knew all those customs. This was all customs not strict observance. Nothing was strict. Shabbat for example, today you have people who won’t do anything on Shabbat. In Bitola it was known that on Shabbat gypsy women would come and light the fire because according to the law one is not supposed to do any work. Not even to light a fire. Not to do anything. But in our family it wasn’t like that.

North Macedonia

Beno Ruso