Tag #121938 - Interview #78258 (Josef Baruhovic)

Selected text
My father knew how to read Hebrew but he did not understand it. He 
learned Hebrew in school in Pristina with Rabbi Levi. At that time, Jewish
 youth were obligated to go to Jewish school for at least a year or two to
 learn how to read and write Hebrew. My mother could also read Hebrew, which 
was unusual for women of her generation.

In Pristina and Sarajevo all the Sephardi Jews spoke Ladino. My 
parents spoke both Serbian and Ladino at home. When they wanted to hide
 something from us they would speak Ladino. But we knew Ladino and 
understood what they said. Today my sister and her husband try the same 
trick on their children. When they do not want their children to understand
they speak in Spanish and the rest of the time in Hebrew.


Josef Baruhovic