Tag #122170 - Interview #78245 (Cadik Danon)

Selected text
In Sarajevo I went to the first grade of elementary school at Maria's
Palace, and afterward in the second grade they enrolled me in the Kolo
Srpskih Sestara School, an elementary school where there were better
conditions. I had a wonderful teacher, Lala Susnic, who thought of us as if
she were our mother. We loved her, listened to her and we learned a lot
from her. During all of my schooling in Sarajevo, I went to Hashomer
Hatzair, where we socialized, sang and danced. We wore gray shirts like on
kibbutz, and we prepared ourselves for our eventual departure for the
kibbutz. In Belgrade, the atmosphere was much warmer than in Sarajevo
because Dorcol, the neighborhood where I lived, was Jewish. It was full of
Jews who knew each other, socialized and helped one another.

I enrolled in a secondary school for engineering, which was, in general, a
school for children from modest backgrounds and poor financial situations.
When they finished this secondary technical school, which lasted four
years, they had a skill and were able to support themselves. I enrolled in
the architectural division; one of my sisters enrolled in architecture and
the other in medicine.


Cadik Danon