Tag #122184 - Interview #78245 (Cadik Danon)

Selected text
The partisans were not going to come, and we made an alternative plan. We
decided to use the 10 minutes we had for getting the cattle from the camp
to the pen to flee, if the Ustashe were not with us. When we seven returned
from herding, the Ustashe left us and returned to the camp. We continued
the 100 meters to the pen, and saw that we were alone. We jumped through
the wires. We had to run across a meadow that was more than 1½ kilometers
long, and we were constantly waiting for the machine guns to start firing
on us. Once we reached the forest, it was easier. The villagers had left us
seven clubs - which we needed more for the psychological help. The next
morning we had already found the partisans and were divided into units. Of
the seven of us, three died in battle; four lived to see liberation.

The seven of us escaped from camp on September 12, 1942. We were six Jews
and one Croat, a veterinarian and member of the Party. He was arrested
because he was a party activist at the veterinarian faculty. His name was
Zorislav Golub. I advanced quickly in the partisans. We were all well
received without a trace of anti-Semitism; they were happy and satisfied to
have such qualified and capable people. All of us who had escaped from the
camp distinguished ourselves with great bravery and courage and fought
selflessly against fascism. We were all decorated and received promotions.


Cadik Danon