Tag #122392 - Interview #78432 (Mieczyslaw Weinryb)

Selected text
I renovated the facade of the Nozyk Synagogue [21] several times. They were commissions from the community authorities, and the funds for this work came out of foreign aid, if I remember correctly, from Joint [22]. Just after the war we also built a matzah production line in that synagogue. We set it up in the women’s gallery, put in machines to mix the dough and electric ovens, and that was where matzah was baked for Passover. The matzah production line in there operated for a few years. Then they started sending us matzah from abroad. I also renovated the Jewish community building on 6 Twarda Street. In the 1950s we were also commissioned by the community authorities to tidy up the Jewish cemetery. During the war the cemetery had been badly damaged. The avenues were buried in earth and the monuments overturned. So we cleaned up the main avenue. We put broken fragments of mazzevoth [tombstones] into a special wall. A few years later we also built some ancillary premises by the entrance.
Mieczyslaw Weinryb