Tag #122858 - Interview #103074 (Buena Davico)

Selected text
I wanted to go enroll to the Uuniversity and I enrolled in the Law Sschool because of my two best Serbian friends. Father at once turned into a strict Jew and he was horrified at the thought that I might marry a non-Jew and he constantly chose boyfriends for me and always brought a cousin of mine, his sister’s son, to take me to the Jewish Municipal Hall in order for me to fall in love with some Jew.

And finally when I did fall in love with a Jew dad didn’t like him because he was a communist and so he confined me to the house and wouldn’t let me out. He was very strict about it. And only after my sister’s mother-in-law, aunt Rhea, a prominent,rich Belgrade Jewess, pleadedand insisted that he was a very fine young man, did father agreedand did I geot the permission to marryhim.


Buena Davico