Tag #122902 - Interview #78508 (Mayer Rafael Alhalel)

Selected text
I loved mathematics, history, geography and literature. I was a great fan of Meyne Reid, Jack London, Jules Verne, Gorky [12] and Marxist literature. I also love classical music, especially the Italian and Russian composers: Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Borodin, Khachiturian, Shostakovich, and Prokofiev. We were five Jews and 20 Bulgarians in our class. But we were very united. This was probably because most of us were UYW [13] members and we shared the same ideology. There were some Legionaries [see Bulgarian Legions] [14] in our class, but they were isolated from the rest. At that time we had to choose a class board. I was usually elected the chairman of the board: probably because I was an active UYW member.


Mayer Rafael Alhalel