Tag #122950 - Interview #78508 (Mayer Rafael Alhalel)

Selected text
From the 26 people we usually have a get-together of no more than ten to twelve people, because all the others are either ill, or at work.

We meet once a month and I like those meetings. I’m happy that they exist, considering how small our community is. We celebrate most Jewish holidays: Pesach, Rosh Hashanah, Purim, Chanukkah, Yom Hashoah and Yom Hatsmaut [Editor’s note: The last two aren’t Jewish religious holidays but modern remembrance days: Holocaust Remembrance Day and the Independence Day in Israel]. We organize the meetings in our newly-built club because we don’t have our own real estates. What’s left of our Jewish buildings is a crumpled synagogue, a former Jewish school, which is now destroyed, and a cemetery plundered by thieves. A heap of stones from the life we had which are still here around the Baba Vida fortress, in the old Jewish neighborhood Kaleto, where I still live with my family.


Mayer Rafael Alhalel