Tag #123011 - Interview #90376 (Lazar Abuaf)

Selected text
My father Salom Nesim Abuaf who was born in 1895, was born and raised in Kuzguncuk like his other siblings [A neighborhood on the Asian side where Jews settled].  Like all other Jewish families of the time, my grandfather provided my father’s education, along with his other children, in the neighborhood Jewish school. (Unfortunately I do not know what grade level he attended).  Even though my father was a very successful student, the financial difficulties faced by his father caused him to start working at a very young age.  My father was proficient in Hebrew due to the education he received in school.  He learned Judeo-Spanish at home since his family spoke this language in the house.  In addition, my father spoke Turkish very well because of the environment he was in.


Lazar Abuaf