Tag #123020 - Interview #90376 (Lazar Abuaf)

Selected text
Even though the military law stated: “In a family with more than one son, only one will be drafted to the army, the second son will be drafted after the first returns to the homestead”, while Kemal was still in the military, when I reached the age of drafting, I told my father: “My dear father, let me finish this military obligation so I can start my life properly”.  As you know the mantra in the military is “learning the art of war”.  The length of the service was 3-4 years then.  My family did not reject my offer, and I applied to the military.  In this way, we both became soldiers in the same period, I was a soldier for exactly 36 months (1947-1950).  When my older brother Kemal started his military service in Ankara, he worked in granaries for a long time, then his commander who learned that he could type very well, transferred my brother to the offices of the Defense Ministry and made him a transcriber, after this he had a comfortable military experience.

I, on the other hand, drew Alemdag, here in Istanbul, out of the lottery.  When I became a soldier, there were a few minor changes in military laws, such as: At the military headquarters they gave us our weapon, our rifle in our hands; my brother Kemal, on the other hand, never held a gun in his hand.  The commander of our regiment examined each soldier and learned about his talents. When it was my turn, my commander asked: “Private, what do you know, what do you do?”. “Sir, I can do carpentry, and ironworking, I can even sew if necessary, I am very handy”, I replied.  In this manner, they put me to work in the workshop at the Art House.  5-10 people, along with me, gained the right to work in the workshop.  When our work in the shop was finished, we also went  through the military drills, we learned how to hold a gun and shoot, we took part in the manouvers.  Our main duty was the workshop.  15-20 days later, I had the “home papers”.  Every Friday, I would leave the barracks at 5 p.m., and would go home, I would take off on Sundays at 6 p.m., and return to my troops around 8 p.m.  Life went on this way, because I was working in the workshop, it would be a lie to say I did a military service.


Lazar Abuaf