Tag #123435 - Interview #78095 (Albert Eskenazi)

Selected text
In the meantime, my uncle came from Derventa. He had done so much for the
economic development of Derventa and the region that he received Aryan
rights. It was the rare Jew who was rewarded for his involvement in
Croatian causes, culture, architecture. The Aryan rights would protect
them, or at least they believed these would protect them. However, my uncle
along with his entire family was captured, put on a train and taken to
Zagreb. At the Zagreb station, they waited to be sent someplace else. We
raced to the station to see them. Then something unexplainable happened -
they were sent back to Derventa, and it was clear to my uncle that they
must flee before they came for him again. They came to Zagreb. They hid in
our apartment while they prepared papers to flee. The destinations were
between Mostar and Split, because the Italians were there. Their papers
arrived and luckily they arrived in Split. My uncle's Croatian assistant
from the store followed them to Split to make sure that they arrived
safely. His name was Marko Covic. Indeed, they did arrive safely.


Albert Eskenazi