Tag #123614 - Interview #88493 (Samuel König)

Selected text
My earliest memories are from school. I went to a cheder first. But the memory is rather hazy. It’s hard to recount anything. I was maybe 3, maybe 4 years old. And besides, I didn’t stay there too long, maybe I didn’t even completed it. The cheder was located in a small, unkempt house. There was this old man, Jankel, right. He was alone, a widower. And so he taught us the letters. [He pointed] with a little stick, ‘That’s aleph, that’s…’ It was very monotonous. I don’t think I stayed there long. The old man [Jankel], the rebe who taught there died soon. Afterwards they sent me to another cheder. There were more cheders in the town, right. It was, I guess, that depending on family’s [financial] situation [the children] were send to a better cheder, a wealthier one. Anyway, my family was not poor.
Samuel König