Tag #123841 - Interview #97983 (Janet Arguete)

Selected text
I was at my home during the bombings in November of 2003 [11].  First there was a loud noise.  We thought it was a gas tank explosion.  Then sounds of ambulances, sirens and chaos....  I grabbed the telephone, called Lucy.  “Where is Eliya?”, I asked.  “Mommy, hang the phone up immediately, Eliya is wounded” she said. My son-in-law was at the Sisli synagogue [12].  He was taken to Florence Nightingale Hospital.  My husband had just died and I was wearing black clothes that are a sign of mourning.  My first instinct was to take off the black clothes, get a box of chocolates and rush to the hospital where my son-in-law was.  Thank G-d that he recuperated quickly.  Eliya is a gem of a guy.  May G-d grant peace to all the deceased, and patience to their loved ones.


Janet Arguete