Tag #123862 - Interview #78211 (tomasz miedzinski)

Selected text
There were a lot of Zionist organizations, in fact all the parties were represented in the town. Hashomer Hatzair [8] was strong. I don't remember Betar [9]. There was Left Poalei Zion [10] and Keren Kayemet [11]. Not far from our house a Bund [12] club was under construction for many years, a huge building where the Jewish school, Yidishe Shul, was later. During the period of Soviet rule the Bund was disbanded, and its activists arrested, deported, and never heard of again. And the school was converted into the town club. I remember that there was a small Jewish hotel in our town, run by a real dragon. Miserable rooms, they were. All that was on the main street. And not far away was the Orthodox church and the Hebrew school.


tomasz miedzinski