Tag #124210 - Interview #95940 (Victoria Almalekh)

Selected text
In Vidin communities had different types of organizations. The organization of women – WIZO [18] had charity designations. That’s why only rich women were members and my mother wasn’t. Besides she didn’t have the time for this type of activities. She wouldn’t leave the store so she could go to rich people’s houses to collect donations. My father wasn’t a member of the board of the Jewish Municipality either. But he had always given Tzedakah – charity for the poor. The money-box for Tzedakah was placed in the synagogue. In this connection there is a Jewish proverb which I remember 'Rich ones should give to poor ones. Poor ones should give to poorer ones. The poorest ones should collect their crumbs and feed them to the birds.' My father was quite a work-worn person and had no time for organized social life. After the workday ended he would be busy dealing with bills and calculations.


Victoria Almalekh