Tag #125036 - Interview #78040 (Vladimir Tarskiy)

Selected text
One day in early June the guard opened the door and said: ‘Tarskiy, get your belongings and come out’. I was taken to a special black car with steel bars commonly called ‘voronok’ [derived from ‘Varon’, raven in Russian, and means bringing trouble]. I was taken to a room where there was an officer whom I had never seen before. He offered me a seat and read the sentence of the special council of the NKVD USSR [extra-judicial punitive body within the NKVD authorized to issue sentences without a trial or attorney. In 1939 it was acknowledged to be illegal and its sentences became ineffective]: ‘The defendant charged under Article 58-10 part 1 and 84 of the CC of the RSFSR Tarskiy V.L. should be set free with the inclusion of the term of punishment into the term of his stay in the bull pen’. They asked me to sign under my obligation not to disclose the circumstances and materials of my case, gave me a ticket to Moscow and took me to the railway station in a car.


Vladimir Tarskiy