Tag #125321 - Interview #97653 (Rebeka Evgin)

Selected text
In 1956, the Seyhan Dam was opened on the Seyhan river.  Life in Adana was revived by the opening of the dam.  I remember the opening ceremony of the dam very well.  Foreign guests had arrived.  And they had put on a ceremony with a lot of hoopla.  We used to go on picnics next to the dam.  We would prepare everything at home because the rules of kashrut were meticulously observed.  Outings to the dam were an important type of entertainment for the people of Adana.  Miryam Zade’s spouse liked me a lot, they would take me everywhere they went.  There were public houses [It was an organization operated by the Education Ministry and the municipalities to ensure the wide acceptance of Ataturk’s principles and revolutions.  Its goal was to organize cultural events, and to elevate the public’s cultural level], Turkish style casinos [restaurants with Turkish style music played].  They would take me to such places.


Rebeka Evgin