Tag #125363 - Interview #97653 (Rebeka Evgin)

Selected text
Sara was raised quite conservatively by her father.  She was only allowed to the movies on Saturdays.  Sundays were for homework.  We used to go to Cinarcik in summers then.  The mother and father of my son-in-law, Mordo Altaras were also there.  Mordo Altaras was there too.  He was dating a girl.  The father-in-law knew my husband.  He said this to his son: “You leave that girl, and see if you can arrange to go out with the girl downstairs”.  They started going out together.  They exchanged phone numbers on our return from Cinarcik.  They had bonded, Mordo started calling continuously.  I tried to keep the peace despite the opposition of the father.  Her father did not want his daughter’s education to suffer.  She had been accepted to Notre Dame de Sion Highschool [French Catholic school] without a test because of her high grade point average at St. Pulcherie [French Catholic school].  But that year, because of Mordo’s phone calls and going out, she failed her first year of highschool.

Her Dad did not know she was dating.  If he knew, he would kill me first.  One Saturday, she came a little late.   Her father turned to me and said: “If this girl is seeing someone, I will first kill her, then myself”.  He was so rigid.  He was a very good father, a very good husband, but he was very conservative.  I acquiesced, I was raised in such an environment anyways.  But when it came to 
Sara, we had to formalize this union.  She was only 16 years old.  Her father who was at Sara’s engagement, unfortunately could not witness her wedding.  The day Sara was married was a beautiful day, my brother-in-law and older sister held the thallis.  In this way, my older sister happened to hold the thallis for me and my daughter.  I was wearing a violet-blue lace dress, navy blue shoes and purse, and a salmon colored hat at the wedding.  I was very well-dressed but everyone pitied me.  I don’t like being pitied at all.  Sara was wearing a simple wedding gown, the best part of the dress was the veil. We celebrated by having a family dinner in the evening.


Rebeka Evgin