Tag #125401 - Interview #77984 (Leontina Arditi)

Selected text
In Dupnitsa we were rationed two or three cups of soup every noon. My father would also come to take his soup when he was back from the forced labor camps. As a matter of fact, soup was rationed then everywhere in the country. There was some talk that an officer in Haskovo was putting naphthalene in the soup for three consecutive days and the Jews couldn't have their meals. But one fine day - here we have an instance of anti- Semitism - one of my classmates in a Brannik uniform, Lida Zhadrovska from Dupnitsa, took my stove and began kicking it around, shouting: 'And we are going to feed these chifuti [23]?' She tried to hit me. And I couldn't hit her because she was fat and two times as heavily built as me - a small Jewish fry.


Leontina Arditi