Tag #125462 - Interview #78561 (Sofi Eshua Danon-Moshe)

Selected text
Grandfather Nissim and his brothers Yako, Haim, Rafael, Dudichi, Haimochi, my uncles Shemuel, Yosif and Leon and my mother’s sisters Matilda and Liza, used to live in Plovdiv. My mother Ester used to send me there every holiday. And I would go, with a little suitcase but my mother always made sure I had some relatively new dresses. In Plovdiv my relatives would meet me with the words, ‘Your mother has overestimated you again. She gave you bigger shoes so that you can wear them next year, too.’ And I replied, ‘No, you’re not right, because they’re nice.’ ‘Of course, they’re nice, you look like a doll in a shop window.’ And I would always ask, ‘Grandfather Nissim, when will you put me in the shop window?’ And he would say, ‘It’s Sunday today – impossible!’

Their house in Plovdiv was in the Jewish quarter, in the very center of the quarter, and they didn’t have a garden. They used to communicate exclusively with the other Jews whose houses surrounded us on all sides.


Sofi Eshua Danon-Moshe