Tag #125469 - Interview #78561 (Sofi Eshua Danon-Moshe)

Selected text
My father liked having fun, singing, and he had an artistic talent. In the evening, after work, he asked the girls to sing and to tell poems. He used to tell me, ‘Come on, my Sofi will tell a poem and you too.’ And do you know what happened once? We were visiting a family in the villages Bushulya, Karabounar or Vetren, I can’t remember, but the rice fields were near those villages. One of the sons of the family stood up and started singing, ‘And the flag, the red flag…’ ‘Hey, we’ll be sent to jail because of you,’ my father said. ‘We’ll be hanged because of you’. That was a communist song. I know that before I was born, until 1923 [7], he had been a member of the Party but he didn’t restore his membership afterwards. I don’t know why. After we were born he became extremely religious and started looking for the roots of communism in religion. He used to say they had a lot in common.


Sofi Eshua Danon-Moshe