Tag #125485 - Interview #78561 (Sofi Eshua Danon-Moshe)

Selected text
I had a boyfriend while I was still in the sixth grade. He was a member of Maccabi, too, and his name was Miko Kalev. My friend Liska Natan also had a beloved. His name was Mishel Pamoukov and he died on the ship, which set off for the Promised Land because it was overcrowded which means that a lot of people wanted to go to Palestine. That happened in 1942. The name of the ship was ‘San Salvador’ and it was a real tragedy [21]. Mishel Pamoukov tried to save people but he couldn’t swim. It was a tragedy for everybody because there were people who had set off for their Jewish homeland and they believed that God would be with them whatever might have happened. It was such a tragedy. They read the names of the dead in front of the school. We had gathered in front of the school and they informed us on the phone, ‘One more dead body, one more dead body’ and the lists of names.


Sofi Eshua Danon-Moshe