Tag #125642 - Interview #78561 (Sofi Eshua Danon-Moshe)

Selected text
My father was a wealthy man. Great people who had leftist orientation like Zhak Natan [32] and Armand Baruh [33] joined the Fatherland Front. And I remember that when I arrived in Sofia in October 1944 one of the first articles in the ‘Evreiski Novini’ [Jewish News] newspaper contained an appeal to the Jews to dig out the buried treasures and to donate them for the development of the Fatherland Front. That put the Jews off. And they weren’t interested in the reasons why out of 50,000 Jews 48,000 left the country after the establishment of the Jewish state, why everybody left [34]. There were so many communists among them, so many idealists who on the Israel border expressed their contempt for their red membership books. May be that was one of the reasons. They were out of a prison, out of the camps. And they were telling them to give money, give your money so that we could develop the Fatherland Front.


Sofi Eshua Danon-Moshe