Tag #125926 - Interview #98790 (Nesim Levi)

Selected text
My father Samuel Kemal Levi was a man I loved more than myself.  My father was skillful but uneducated like me, he wasn’t very cultured, but he had a broad philosophy of life, life had taught him a lot.  He had endured long hardships, he had experienced 8-10 years of military service.  He had been in wars. 

In the Balkan War [2], World War I, from 1914 to 1918; he was wounded in wars, and taken prisoner.  When their closest friends died next to them in wars, they continued fighting next to the dead, as if it was natural.  There were bayonet wars then.  They hit each other, from 50 meters or 100 meters away. 

And my father unfortunately was terribly worn out during the Balkan War and World War I, while fighting the British together with the Germans.  8 years of my father’s life was spent in wars.  At the time, nonMuslims were given weapons too.  They were never discriminated from our Muslim brothers.


Nesim Levi