Tag #125960 - Interview #98790 (Nesim Levi)

Selected text
From what I hear from close relatives like my aunt, my mother was an introverted, inoffensive and very clean woman who spoke little, and who was self-sufficient.  She waited for years for my father so she could get married, she got pregnant four times, one after the other, she never complained.  My father was a man who enjoyed food, and meals set up on tables.   I am sure that my mother’s food was tasty.

My father was a handsome male.  My mother fell in love with him.  My mother was a thin, dark-skinned woman.  We took after our mother with our dark skin.  She spoke French, maybe she studied beyond elementary school.  They had the engagement ceremony at the age of 18. 

10 years later, when the wars were over, they were finally reunited.  They married in Haskoy in 1920 or 1921.  My older sister was born in 1922, and I two years later, in 1924.  I unfortunately never got to know my mother and could not shed tears for her.  Still, for as long as I have been able to, I observe her yartzheits every year, I light a candle.


Nesim Levi