Tag #126046 - Interview #98790 (Nesim Levi)

Selected text
After the 1940’s, it was a period when the Germans were advancing rapidly.  The government needed money of course, time of war.  Sukru Saracaglu was prime minister in those days.

We were following what was happening to the European Jews from the radio.  Thousands of Jews were going to the gas chambers, to the camps.  Their pictures were shown in the newspapers.  It was a big, historic event.  There was no television then, we heard it on the radio or read about it in the newspaper.

During that time there were a lot of newspapers like Tan, Cumhuriyet, Sabah and Ikdam.  I read Cumhuriyet usually.  In reality, I read quite a few newpapers in one day. One newspaper cost 5 pennies.  If I read it at home during the day, I would go to the corner to return the newspaper, and buy a new one for one penny.  I read a lot, during the time of war, and later on too.
Nesim Levi